
Annual report

Activity report for 2020
I.Short history
The Saint Casian Association is an association founded in 2018 by 5 parents of children diagnosed with autism.
The mission of this association is to recover through therapy as many children with a diagnosis from the autism spectrum. To achieve this, the association Saint Casian opened a social service called "Day Center for children with autism spectrum disorders", where children receive the necessary therapy for recovery, with the help of specialized therapists. The purpose of the social service "Day Center for children with autism spectrum disorders", "Saint Casian", is to improve the lives of children diagnosed with autism or autism spectrum disorders, by providing, during the day, educational activities, empowerment -rehabilitation, recreation-socialization, development of independent living skills, as well as support activities, etc. During 2020, 2 projects were carried out within the association. 1. The sensory alley in collaboration with the Medias Red Cross, through which the Medias Red Cross aims to arrange a sensory alley for children with autism, inside the Day Center for children with autism spectrum disorders, with a length of ~ 30 meters, made with natural materials, where hiking barefoot on sandy slopes, gravel of different sizes and shapes, fir cones, tree bark, sawdust, logs, grass and corn cobs, etc., to be a way of relaxation and therapy for them . In the soles there are 7,200 nerve endings that are connected to all parts of the body. These connections are processed through the spine and brain. By massaging the feet, the pain and stress are alleviated, and the body enters a state of comfort. For this project, 95 people from all over the country ran at the Sibiu International Marathon and donated money, raising 9743 lei. From this amount, in addition to the sensory alley, there will be a playground in the courtyard of the center.
The target group of this project are children with autism from the Mediaș area.
-the 16 children currently enrolled in the Day Center for children with autism spectrum disorders Saint Casian;
-the 53 children diagnosed with autism / ASD in the northern part of Sibiu County.
The playground will be open for other children with disabilities in Mediaș and surroundings.
At the moment, the land has been leveled with a backhoe, and the construction will start in the spring.
2. Happiness Market 2nd edition, project that takes place between November 14 and December 18, 2020, online.
In this project, toys, books, Christmas ornaments were collected, which we put up for auction on Facebook. The aim of this project is to buy teaching materials for children's therapy and to support the payment of the salary of two therapists and a social worker. Following the project, the amount of 9656 lei was raised.
Improvement courses
Two of our therapists Cucui-Dinuț Cristina and Oroșan Flavia, were sent to specialization courses, namely: "Sensory integration - recovery techniques" with Ms. Dana Tair, specialist on sensory integration and "Behavioral therapy applied to children with ASD ”With Mrs. Daniela Bălăloi, President of Help Autism Romania. A third therapist only took the course of Mrs. Daniela Bălăloi.
At the same time, the girls were sent for training for a month to UCOS Sibiu, following the partnership with UCOS.
Exceptional results obtained
The beneficiaries adapted very quickly with the new therapists. All have a favorable evolution.
II.Structure and organization
The Saint Casian Association is an association formed by 5 parents of children diagnosed with autism.
The headquarters of the association is in Mediaș, str. Sebeșului no.4, bl.31, sc.B, ap. 16, and the working point is in Mediaș, no. December 1, 1918 no. 23A.
III. Services provided within the association
The services provided by the Day Center for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders are:
-Complex evaluation
-Elaboration of intervention plan
-Guidance to other services
-Social counseling
-Social assistance
-Psychological counseling
-Sensory integration therapy
-Education for independent living activities
-Socialization, cultural activities and leisure.
The number of existing offices in the center are 9, namely:
-Psychopedagogical / psychological cabinet - 2,
-logopedic cabinet -1,
-social worker cabinet -1,
-cabinet kinetoterapie - 1,
-sensory therapy cabinet -1,
-light room cabinet -1,

  • social room -1,
    -group therapy room -1.
    IV. Number of beneficiaries
    Currently, 17 beneficiaries aged between 3 and 14 are enrolled in the center. All children are diagnosed with autism / autism spectrum disorders. Other diagnoses besides autism: hearing loss, kidney failure, tetraparesis. There are 13 beneficiaries from Mediaș municipality, 3 beneficiaries from the county, and 1 beneficiary from other counties, Mureș County.
    On the waiting list we have 4 children: 1 from Mediaș and 3 from the county (Agârbiciu, Copșa Mică and Moșna).
    V. Admission procedure
    The procedure for admitting the beneficiaries in the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Association, Day center for children with autism spectrum disorders, according to Order no. 27/2019 on the approval of minimum quality standards for day social services for children.
    Knowledge of the way in which the beneficiaries are admitted to the day center, “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Association
    The “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” day center has the role and the responsibility to ensure the development of this activity in accordance with the legal provisions.
    The specialized staff / multidisciplinary team within the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Day Center has the obligation to respond to all requests, respecting the following criteria:
  • The child should be between 2-16 years old;
  • The child should have a medical certificate attesting to a diagnosis of autism / an autism spectrum disorder /
    Customers can address:
  • Directly;
  • By reference from the SEC (Complex Assessment Service) - based on the personalized service plan
  • By reference from other relevant organizations / institutions.
    In the case of direct requests or from other relevant organizations / institutions, the social worker notifies the SEC in order to comprehensively evaluate the child and take appropriate action, in order to prevent the abandonment and institutionalization of the child.
    List of main activities on which the procedural activity depends:
  • Completion by the parent / legal representative of a form requesting the initial evaluation within the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Day Center.
  • Registration of the initial evaluation form of the children in the waiting list of the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Day Center, by the social worker. It will also take over the documents necessary for the preparation of the initial evaluation file of the beneficiary:
     Copy of the identity documents of the parents / legal representatives;
     Copy of the Marriage Certificate (if any) or, as the case may be, the divorce sentence;
     Copy of the child's Birth Certificate;
     Copy of the Medical Certificate attesting the child's diagnosis;
     Copy of the Certificate of classification of the child in a degree of disability and the Recovery / Services Plan (if any);
     Copy of the Medical Certificate attesting the diagnosis of autism of the child (for the Saint Casian center.
  • Preparation of the social survey by the social worker or by the public authorities.
  • Preparation of a report on the provision of social services within the Day Center "Saint Casian Mediaș", to the head of the center and forwarding it to the President of the Association.
  • Issuance of a decision regarding the provision of social services within the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Center, by the President of the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Association (plus the partners of the Association).
  • Signing the Contract for the provision of social services within the Day Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders "Saint Casian Mediaș" (identification and evaluation, psychological counseling, social counseling, cost of initial assessment services, etc.) by the President of the Association, coordinator of the center day for children with autism spectrum disorders (plus the partners of the “Sfântul Casian Mediaș” Association) and parent / legal representative.
  • Establishing the evaluation period, depending on the number of children enrolled on the waiting list, the program of therapy and recovery activities and the degree of employment of specialized staff in the Day Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders Association "Saint Casian Mediaș".
  • The evaluation is performed by the multidisciplinary team: social worker, psychologist, physiotherapist, psychopedagogue, speech therapist.
  • Children can benefit from the services of the center by referral from public social assistance services at the Jewish and local level, authorized private bodies or other relevant organizations / institutions.
  • The referral from the public social assistance services at the level of the territorial administrative units, hereinafter referred to as ATU, is made on the basis of the service plan drawn up by it.
  • In the case of direct requests or referrals from other relevant organizations or institutions, the center shall request the public social assistance service to carry out at least the social survey at the child's home.
  • Establishing the program / schedule of the multidisciplinary evaluation by the multidisciplinary team in collaboration with the parent / legal representative of the child.
  • The preparation of the Initial Evaluation Report is done by the social worker / case manager, starting from the request submitted by the parent and contains recommendations regarding the initial evaluation or reference to other services.
  • The preparation of the evaluation form is a process that brings together all members of the multidisciplinary team and describes in detail, by areas of development, the child's acquisitions at the time of evaluation, strengths and interests.
  • The realization of PPI is done in a multidisciplinary team by all members involved in the evaluation process, based on the evaluation sheet and contains realistic objectives, adapted to the global level and useful for optimal development of the child, starting from the strengths and interests of the child during evaluation.
  • The preparation of the detailed evaluation report is done by the social worker / case manager, following the discussion with the multidisciplinary team and the family.
  • The presentation of the evaluation and the PPI is made during a meeting of the multidisciplinary team with the parents / legal representatives, who are informed about the results of the evaluation, the content of the PPI and their role in the therapeutic approach.
    Admission of beneficiaries is made in chronological order of submission of initial assessment forms, after consulting the head of center with the multidisciplinary team on the recovery needs of children (resulting from the initial assessment), depending on the occupancy of places in the Day Center for children with autism spectrum disorders.
    The procedure is disseminated to specialists, children, families / legal representatives, main partners, the community.
    Initial evaluation request form, report, decision, service contract, social survey, initial evaluation form, initial evaluation report, detailed evaluation report, PPI, meeting reports, social file (personal file, service file ).
    VI. HR
    The center operates with the following staff:
    -Cucui-Dinuț Cristina-psychotherapist (higher education) -employed at 8 hours by DGASPC Sibiu following the partnership with Sibiu County Council,
    -Oroșan Flavia - speech therapist (higher education) - employed at 8 hours by DGASPC Sibiu following the partnership with Sibiu County Council,
    -Hărănguș Loredana - physiotherapist (higher education) - employed 8 hours by DAS Mediaș following the partnership with Sibiu County Council,
    -Măceșanu Ana - psychopedagogue (higher education) - employed for 4 hours by the Saint Casian Association,
    -Băcel Tania - social worker (higher education) - employed for 4 hours by the Saint Casian Association,
    -Barna Adrian Ioan - head of center - employed for 8 hours by the Saint Casian Association,
    -Barna Adriana Otilia - accountant (higher education) - volunteer,
    -Barbu Mirela - accounting expert (higher education) - volunteer,
    -the parents of the beneficiaries -all volunteers- take care of everything related to the maintenance of the center.
    VII. The contribution of the Sibiu County Council
    Following the partnership with Sibiu County Council, we have:
  • The space, located on the 1st floor of the building in Mediaș, str. 1 Decembrie 1918, no. 23 A,
  • Utilities paid by Sibiu County Council,
  • 2 therapists employed by DGASPC Sibiu and seconded to the center,
  • 1 therapist employed by DAS Mediaș and seconded to the center.
    VIII.Sources of financing
    The sources of financing of the association are:
    -County budget - 2 positions,
    -Local budget - a post
    -own funds - consist of: sponsorships and donations (forms 230, donation of 20% from corporate income tax, other donations and sponsorships from citizens).
  • The association does not charge any fees, the beneficiaries do not pay anything, neither for enrolling in the association, nor for therapy.
    XIX. Collaboration with other partners
    The association has a collaboration contract with the Foundation "A child a hope" (UCOS Sibiu), which helps us with everything related to documents and offers us the evaluation series of beneficiaries, until we have the full team to make new assessments.
    XX. Results obtained for 2020
    From the sponsorships and donations obtained in 2020, we managed to hire a 4-hour social worker and a 4-hour psychotherapist in September. Starting with November, I also hired a head of the center, because it took a person to solve the association's problems all the time.
    From the donations obtained to the “Happiness Market Edition I” project, held last year in July, this year we managed to renovate and arrange the space and make a sensory evaluation with Ms. Dana Tair, specialist in integration therapy sensory because most children are sensory out of sync. Following this, I received an intervention plan.
    We received a substantial donation from a company in the city of Mediaș, from which we managed to arrange the light room, the kineto room, the sensory integration room and the social room (hammocks, trampoline with net, ball pool, indoor slide, carpets , trellis, etc.)
    Also from sponsorships, we managed to equip each therapy room with teaching materials.
    In September, I brought to Mediaș, the evaluation team from UCOS Sibiu, for a week. This week, 17 beneficiaries were evaluated on a speech therapy, psychological and sensory basis, and our therapists were shown and explained how to perform an evaluation, so that in the future they can do the evaluations themselves.
    In February we had 12 beneficiaries registered in the association, and in December we have 17; 4 children being on the waiting list.
    The results of the therapy on the beneficiaries did not take long to appear. We have children, who were non-verbal, and now they repeat words or have even learned to say in words what they want. The children have adapted very well with the new therapists and come to the center with pleasure.
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