
Directs 3.5%

Directs 3.5% of the tax due to the state to the Saint Casian Medias Association

You can download the statement here:

Individual taxpayers may dispose of the destination of an amount representing up to 3.5% of the annual income tax due to the State, according to Art. 57 par. (4) and Art. 84 para. (2) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 138/2004 for the amendment and completion of the Law on the Fiscal Code no. 571/2003 and applied by Law no. 163/2005.

Thus, individuals can sponsor non-profit entities that operate according to OG 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations.

You, the taxpayer:

You can direct 3.5% of the annual income tax due to an association or foundation by filling in Annex 230 from the Annual Income Tax Return form.

Persoanele fizice care au realizat, in anul 2023, venituri din salarii si care solicita virarea unei sume de pana la 3,5% din impozitul anual catre Asociatia Sfantului Casian completeaza in Declaratia Unica, Anexa 230: “Cerere privind destinatia sumei reprezentand pana la 3,5% din impozitul anual”. La cerere se anexeaza cate o copie dupa formularul 210 “Fisa fiscala privind impozitul pe veniturile din salarii”. Cod Declaratia de venit global se depune la Administratia Finantelor Publice personal sau prin posta.

Puteti completa declaratia online aici: for taxpayers with income from salaries

Please note that this amount does not represent a sponsorship or donation, but it is, in essence, a part of the income tax already paid, which can be directed by each citizen to the entity he wants!

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