
Program supported by the Foundation for Civil Society Development (FDSC) and Muntenia Distribution

With the financial support of the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (FDSC) and EDistribuție Muntenia, within a program for NGOs, which addresses the needs of people with disabilities, we managed to purchase, equipment for the physiotherapy room: a re-education plan of walking, parallel bars and a medicine bike. We lacked this equipment in the physiotherapy room and we consider that they are essential in the process of recovering children.
The purchased equipment is necessary for the development of the beneficiaries of our Center.
The most obvious benefits are in terms of integrating environmental stimuli, in terms of sensory integration (the three basic sensory systems: vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile), but also gait coordination, bilaterality, improving body posture.
The direct beneficiaries of the purchased products are: children with needs
special that have difficulty walking (walking on tiptoes), posture difficulties and sensory integration difficulties, numbering 29 children.
The indirect beneficiaries are therapists, parents, extended family, friends, etc.
In this way, we would like to thank the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (FDSC) and Muntenia Distribution, for their support and because they trusted us.

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